"Work and Worry" Interview with Stefan Grossman

I had been reviewing records and DVDs from Stefan Grossman’s Guitar Workshop on this blog, pretty much since its inception. I happened to see an announcement on Grossman’s Yuku forum that he was getting ready to present a country blues workshop in Sparta, New Jersey, his home base. I thought that this might be my opportunity to nab an interview with the man.
Wednesday's FREE Video Lesson with PDF tab/music
Every Wednesday we e-mail a link to a free lesson of ours on YouTube including a link to the PDF tab/music for that lesson. Make sure to be signed up to our mailing list to receive this information.
VINTAGE GUITAR MAGAZINE praises The Guitar of Robert Johnson - By Michael Dregni

We rarely review instructional videos, but this one is something special. And it’s more than just a how-to guide:it’s an in-depth, note-for-note-documentary look at the playing-style of one of the most influential blues men of all time. And for that reason alone –whether you’re willing to sell your soul to the devil to learn to play like Mr. Johnson or not – you owe it to yourself to check out Mr. Feldmann’s study.